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The Gow School logo A coed college-prep boarding and day school for students, grades 6-12, with dyslexia and similar language-based learning disabilities in New York.

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Welcome to Gow's remarkable learning community. Working together, students, faculty and staff are devoted to understanding, supporting, and valuing the learning differences and strengths of students in order to reignite their lives.

Small classes (typically five or six students), an exceptional team of educators, and innovative teaching methods are the keys to our students’ success. Drawing from over a 90-year heritage of best educational practices, today’s curriculum is based on current research and supported by leading-edge technology. Add the hard work and dedication of both students and faculty, and you’ll see why our students make swift progress.

The program follows an intentional progression, from middle schoolers relearning how to go to school to seniors—100% of them—preparing for, applying to, and getting accepted by colleges and universities. Along the way, each student’s program is tailored to his or her needs. For example, though all students receive instruction in how to get organized, how to take effective notes, and the like, some may need additional one-on-one support from our Executive Function Coaching (EFC) program.

At Gow, students are relieved to find others who learn and think like they do and to know they are not alone in battling and overcoming their learning disabilities. As students start to perform better academically, their self-esteem improves. They come to realize what we already knew—that they have a bright future ahead of them.