GSSP Activities & Trips

Off-campus activity, a rollercoasterWhile morning classes are designed to improve students' academic skills and confidence, afternoon, evening, and weekend activities build even greater self-esteem. Surrounded by dedicated counselors, many of whom are Gow alumni, participants realize they are not alone in facing and overcoming their learning disabilities. Through shared experiences--and plenty of fun--students and staff come together, working as a team, supporting one another, and making new friends.

Weekday Activities

In the afternoons, program participants choose four Activity Instructional Clinics (AICs) from approximately 20 options. These include traditional athletics such as soccer, basketball, lacrosse, rugby, dodgeball, and archery, as well as Gaga Ball, creek walks, arts and crafts, Lego robots, and the ever-popular Slip ‘N Slide.

In the evenings, students participate in small- and large-group activities both on and off campus. Often the entire summer program convenes to take part in team competitions, such as the Icky Olympics, K’Nex Night, and Fear Factor. The annual Color War, Carnival, and banquet night also foster camaraderie, while weekly Sunday night bonfires give everyone a chance to regroup for the week ahead.


Weekend Trips

Highlights of the summer program, overnight excursions take advantage of the cultural, sporting, and entertainment options of Western New York and nearby areas. Past weekend trips have included camping in the Allegheny National Forest; riding the roller coasters at Cedar Point, in Sandusky, Ohio; checking out the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, in Cleveland; and touring and attending sporting events in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Rochester, New York.