Campaign for Howard Hall
We are very grateful to all who have donated and pledged to our Campaign and appreciate your belief in this project. This new structure will retain important historic elements and meet the needs of our students and faculty.
Please take a moment to learn more about this transformative project and to consider a one-time gift, or 3-5 year pledge. Should you have any questions, please contact Gayle Hutton, Gow’s Director of Development at or 716.687.2074.
Ten multisensory classrooms; A dedicated Speech and Language classroom;
A larger health office and counseling center with triage and infirmary spaces to offer more services and privacy for our students;
Modernized development and business offices;
An ADA compliant elevator for accessibility; and
The Little Seniors store, run by Gow’s entrepreneurial class, which will open to a picturesque patio and seating area.